#No Mow May Campaign 2024

In light of the World Bee Day on the 20th of May 2024 we asked you to participate in the "No Mow May" campaign and not mow your lawn during the month of May. And so you did! More than 100 people subscribed to the Eventee app and more than 150 pictures were posted during this month.

Thanks to you all we created a more bee-friendly environment and we made the world a better place!

A bee sitting on a purple flower

How have you impacted the number of bees and other pollinators?

We know that many of you during the month of May left a portion of your lawn uncut. Now that we have reached the end of May we ask you to take a moment to count the number of flowers that have bloomed in your garden..*

Enter the number of flowers below and you'll see the number of bees and other pollinators grow...

*If the uncut part is substantial we advice you to count the number of flowers on 1 m2 and multiply this number by the total number of square meters in your garden

Your simple act of not mowing made a big difference!


Number of flowers grown


Number of bees and pollinators helped