Ceva Logistics

Based on the results and synthesis of this warehouse design, quite a few other CEVA sites and customers have already expressed an interest to add a Storeganizer solution to their warehouse configuration

Joy Cottrell
Contract ManagerCEVA Logistics Daventry

The challenge

The CEVA Logistic team at the Daventry site faced the task of optimizing the utilization of their expansive warehouse space, spanning 90,000 square feet (approximately 8,362 square meters), to cater to the needs of a valued customer.

The solution

CEVA's dedicated business development team unearthed the Storeganizer solution, marking a turning point in their warehouse management strategy. Implementing 26 bays, each equipped with 5 distinct pocket sizes, Storeganizer emerged as the key to efficiently harnessing the available space and revolutionizing product handling. This strategic shift allowed CEVA to seamlessly consolidate a diverse range of SKUs, previously dispersed across a significant area, into a streamlined and compact storage system. Storeganizer's innovative approach enabled CEVA to maximize storage potential by utilizing the space below their racking, optimizing multiple locations within a confined footprint.

The outcome

The Storeganizer solution seamlessly marries durability and flexibility. Its adaptable design allowed CEVA to tailor a variety of differently-sized storage locations, perfectly aligned with the unique requirements of their customers. As a result of this transformative integration:

  • Picking Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) experienced a substantial improvement.
  • Picking accuracy achieved a remarkable 100% success rate, largely attributed to Storeganizer's precision-oriented approach.

The adoption of Storeganizer not only resolved CEVA Logistic's challenge of optimizing warehouse storage but also paved the way for elevated efficiency, accuracy, and spatial utilization. This success story is a testament to the profound impact that innovative warehouse storage systems can have on overall operational excellence.

Success story CEVA Logistics

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